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Meditation and Me

My meditation practice helps keeps me grounded, aware and is a place for me to come home to myself. It helps me release anxiety, stress and allows me to feel comfortable in my own skin. Meditation has been a real game changer because I have learned to observe my inner world with less judgment and more love.

When I start, whether seated or laying down, I always begin by noticing my physical body and look for a sense of grounding, and safety first. I tune in and notice any tension physically, emotionally and notice where are my thoughts are at. If my mind is over-thinking or if I know I have a lot on my to-do list , it can be quite difficult for me to sit or lay still. IF this is the case I will move my body through a short yoga practice to help bring me out of my head, and into my body. Then I’ll tune into my breath and observe for few moments the quality of how I’m actually breathing. After I’m settled into the rhythm of my breath, I’ll tune my senses into my surroundings. I might ask myself, what am I hearing? am I tasting or smelling anything, is the light bright or is it more of a soft glow? Once I do these ‘checks’, I am more able to let what could be distractions become part of the background of my observations as I become more still and settled and grounded.

Sometimes all I need is my breath to be the anchor of my awareness but other times I’ll repeat silently an internal Mantra or focus on one or more Chakras or the energy centres of my subtle body. This helps me stay focused so my mind doesn’t keep wandering away. I allow anything to come into my thoughts and awareness, and not judge it as right or wrong. I am able to let go by coming back to the anchor of my awareness. Sometimes it seems difficult to do this, other times it happens more easily. I have to just let it happen without an expectation for something to happen or not happen. This is a practice, and it’s my practice. A space for me to be me.

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